The research team and their activities
Afyon Kocatepe Uni. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Science.

Prof. Dr. Mustafa TEKERLİ

Prof. Dr. Zehra BOZKURT

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin ERDOĞAN

Assist. Prof. Dr. Serdar KOÇAK

Assist. Prof. Dr. Koray ÇELİKELOĞLU

Assist. Prof. Dr. Özlem HACAN

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ebubekir YAZICI

Phd Candidate, DVM, Samet ÇİNKAYA

Phd Student, DVM, Mustafa DEMİRTAŞ

Phd Student, DVM, Orhan ESER